Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vocabulary List - hjc-

1. Adage: a traditional saying expressing a common experience or observation

2. Congeal: to make or become fixed, as ideas, sentiments, or principles

3. Dilapidated: reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay

4. Disconsolate: hopelessly unhappy

5. Flotsam: material or refuse floating on water

6. Oblivious: unmindful

7. Vehement: zealous

8. Vicinity: the area or region near or about a place

9. Ablution: a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual

10. Auspices: support

11. Conjure: to affect or influence by or as if by invocation or spell

12. Festoon: a string or chain of flowers suspended in a curve between two points

13. Indelible: making marks that cannot be erased or removed

14. Jubilation: a joyful or festive celebration

15. Latrine: a toilet or something used as a toilet

16. Repatriate: to bring or send back to his or her country or land of citizenship

17. Scuttle: a deep bucket for carrying coal

18. Sporadic: appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time

19. Tributary: a stream that flows to a larger stream or other body of water

20. Turmoil: confusion

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