Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sierra Leone -hjc- #6

Sierra Leone is one of the poorest country in the world despite the fact that it is extremely resource-rich, with large deposits of diamonds and gold. However, because of corruption, all of the diamonds and gold is being shared by handful of people. More than 50 percent of diamonds that are being mined in Sierra Leone is unlicensed. The civil war was started in March 1991, because RUF decided to overthrow the corrupt government.

Due to this war over 50,000 people have been killed so far and over million people lost their homes. As Ishmael stated, during this war, RUF has done horrible actions against their own people such as rape and mass killings. RUF's main target is the civilians and anyone who went against their idea is being threatened to be killed. Also, countless numbers of children under the age of 15 years were forced into armed forces.

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