Monday, March 14, 2011

Blog 6: Child Soldiers

Around the globe today, in 25 countries, there are thousands of children under the age of 16 who have been in/fought in a war. Sadly, the RUF (Revolutionary United Front) invades villages across Sierra Leone and other regions to loot houses, murder innocent civilians, and recruit more children to fight as child soldiers. Children were also part of AFRC (Armed Forces Revolutionary Council) and the pro-government Civil Defense Force. Their purposes were to patrol certain areas, guard workers in diamond fields, and also attack villages. Personally, as long as the child himself wanted to become a child soldier, feel free to! But forcefully recruiting members is horrifying. As I said before, they, as in the rebels, provided food and shelter, so what would you do if you were hungry and had no one to take care of you?

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