Monday, March 14, 2011

Fifth Post: Vocabulary:

1)Turmoil - A state of great disturbance, confusion or uncertainty

2)Verandah - A roofed opened gallery or porch

3)Conjure - To make something appear from no where

4)Scuttle - A deep bucket for caring coal

5)Latrine - A communal toilet often used in camps or barracks

6)Cassava - A shrubby tropical perennial plant often grown in the tropic zones

7)Dilapidated - In a state of disrepair or ruined as a results of age or neglect

8)Vehemetn - Showing a string feeling

9) Auspices - Support or Guidance

10) Adage - A Latin memorable saying

11)Reggamorphy - A type of reggae song

!2)Compelling - Persuade by forcefulness in an argument

13)Kule - Open aired shower

14)Delve - Dig up

15)Rastafarianism - A religion that emerged from Jamaca in the 1930s

16) Amiss - Wrong or in faulty

17)Cringe - Bend one's head towards body in fear or servile manner

18)Disconsolate - Unhappy or uncomfortable

19)Spirogyra - A genius of filamentous green algae named for it's spiral arangements

20)Flotsam - A Wreckage of cargo that stays afloat after ship has sunk


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