Monday, March 14, 2011

Fifth Post: Vocabulary:

1)Turmoil - A state of great disturbance, confusion or uncertainty

2)Verandah - A roofed opened gallery or porch

3)Conjure - To make something appear from no where

4)Scuttle - A deep bucket for caring coal

5)Latrine - A communal toilet often used in camps or barracks

6)Cassava - A shrubby tropical perennial plant often grown in the tropic zones

7)Dilapidated - In a state of disrepair or ruined as a results of age or neglect

8)Vehemetn - Showing a string feeling

9) Auspices - Support or Guidance

10) Adage - A Latin memorable saying

11)Reggamorphy - A type of reggae song

!2)Compelling - Persuade by forcefulness in an argument

13)Kule - Open aired shower

14)Delve - Dig up

15)Rastafarianism - A religion that emerged from Jamaca in the 1930s

16) Amiss - Wrong or in faulty

17)Cringe - Bend one's head towards body in fear or servile manner

18)Disconsolate - Unhappy or uncomfortable

19)Spirogyra - A genius of filamentous green algae named for it's spiral arangements

20)Flotsam - A Wreckage of cargo that stays afloat after ship has sunk


Blog 6: Child Soldiers

Around the globe today, in 25 countries, there are thousands of children under the age of 16 who have been in/fought in a war. Sadly, the RUF (Revolutionary United Front) invades villages across Sierra Leone and other regions to loot houses, murder innocent civilians, and recruit more children to fight as child soldiers. Children were also part of AFRC (Armed Forces Revolutionary Council) and the pro-government Civil Defense Force. Their purposes were to patrol certain areas, guard workers in diamond fields, and also attack villages. Personally, as long as the child himself wanted to become a child soldier, feel free to! But forcefully recruiting members is horrifying. As I said before, they, as in the rebels, provided food and shelter, so what would you do if you were hungry and had no one to take care of you?

blog #5 personal thoughts

Tragic. That is the word that comes to my mind every single time i read about a village getting invaded, or reading about the struggles for survival in that time and place. Africa would seem like a peaceful and eventful place. With it's varieties of wildlife and even hosting 2010's Soccer World Cup! It's a tragedy that people have to suffer through these hectic atmospheres. At least with all the violence, it should balance out by having a full stomach instead of starving and eating wild things you've never seen before. Even that is a high risk. Should never have to eat things you don't know just to survive.

Book Review -hjc- # 10

This book has opened my eyes to the bigger problems that is happening all around the world. I did not know that there are still child soldiers all over the world fighting for freedom. I constantly had sympathy towards Ishmael while reading the book. It made me really appreciate the things I have right now. Some of the events which occurred felt unreal to me such as the mass killings, burials and using children as shield during war. However, the adventure seems to become more redundant and became hard to keep my focus. Overall, it is a great book that made me realize the problems of war.

Theme -hjc- #7

Out of many outstanding themes in the book a long way gone, most clearly seen theme is that war is horrible. Through out the story us readers experienced, the gruesome journey Ishmael had to go through.

To start with, thousands of civilians were being killed. The R.U.F killed thousands of civilians by cutting their throats, shooting, burning and even burying them alive. These people were innocent and must not have been damaged. Due to the civilian deaths, thousands of children such as Ishmael became orphans and had to go through horrible childhood.

Thousands of children were forced to join the R.U.F and fight against the government. These children were scarred for life by killing people. By reading Ishmael's journey, the effect of him being a child soldier was clearly seen. He became more emotionally fragile and didn't think of killing others as serious deal.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sierra Leone -hjc- #6

Sierra Leone is one of the poorest country in the world despite the fact that it is extremely resource-rich, with large deposits of diamonds and gold. However, because of corruption, all of the diamonds and gold is being shared by handful of people. More than 50 percent of diamonds that are being mined in Sierra Leone is unlicensed. The civil war was started in March 1991, because RUF decided to overthrow the corrupt government.

Due to this war over 50,000 people have been killed so far and over million people lost their homes. As Ishmael stated, during this war, RUF has done horrible actions against their own people such as rape and mass killings. RUF's main target is the civilians and anyone who went against their idea is being threatened to be killed. Also, countless numbers of children under the age of 15 years were forced into armed forces.

Irony -hjc- #5

The tragic journey of a young child soldier Ishmael consists of many ironies.

Due to the civil war, Ishamel and his family has been separated for a long period of time. During Ishmael’s journey, he learns where he could find his family and becomes ecstatic. However, they stopped at a banana farm before they approached the village. When he finally approaches near the village, he hears the gunshots go off, dogs barking and people screaming. When he finally enters the village everyone was dead and he couldn’t find his family. If Ishmael did not stop to pick bananas, his life would have ended.

Ishmael had to go through arduous journey with many obstacles however Ishmael did not learn much from his horrifying experience. When Ishmael finally reaches the capital city of Sierra Leone, Freetown, he smiled and was positive that his situation will not become worse then the current situation. From his experience of watching the R.U.F forces attacking village to village, he should have seen that army to eventually end up in the capital city.

Post#10 A Long Way Gone: Full Review

On the 23rd of March in 1991, the Revolutionary United Front attacked cities in Eastern Sierra Leone in an attempt to overthrow the government. The next eleven years would be full of gruesome, hellish scenes of violence. Ishmael Beah writes about his story in "A Long Way Gone."

Written down to every immaculate detail, A Long Way Gone is a clear and detailed account of one child soldier that fought during the civil war. Beah is said to have a photographic memory, and this ability comes into play for the entire book. Imagery is the strongest literary device used in the book, and puts you right into the scene. From his joyful childhood to the frightening brutal scenes of war and being part of it, A Long Way Gone is easy to understand and clear dialogue.

The text of the book is of a rather easy reading level, but the content of this book may be hard to swallow for the soft-hearted. The gruesome depictions of war in this story contrast from the "romantic" depiction of war in popular media, and by the army to the child soldiers by showing them war movies like Rambo. In interviews, Ishmael said this is what he wanted to show to people.

The story can be described as disturbing, heartbreaking and depressing at times, but at the same time it is also uplifting and encouraging, showing to us how Ishmael finally pulled through it all. I really think this is one of the greatest books I have read in a while, and I hope more people will be aware of the plight faced by child soldiers.

In the end, this book really deserves a 9/10, and is recommended for those in Grade 11. Its reading level may be good enough for younger people, but as noted the scenes of war may not be for everyone.

- Frank Lin

Post#9 A Long Way Gone

The title A Long Way Gone has many meanings. It can refer to the distance that Ishmael travelled in his life in Sierre Leone. Even deeper, however, it refers to Ishmael's emotions and state of being. When Ishmael was faced with the war, he lost his mind and went from being a child to becoming a brutal soldier. By the end, he travels to New York to live a new and better life.

Ishmael has come a long way from what he was before, going through many changes in his personality. The first person perspective also helps with presenting himself as a realistic, round, and dynamic character.


Ishmael, the protagonist of the story is an amazing boy who has been through so much drama in his life that it makes me think about life in the African continent. Ishmael has fought through 3 years as a child soldier until he was rescued by UNICEF. Ishmael starts off living happily with his friends and family, listening/performing rap, and just living his life without any problems until the RUF invaded his village which separates him from his family. He then travels with his friends to find a safe place. Sadly, Ishmael goes off alone and separates from his friends after another RUF rebel attack. If I was Ishmael, I would join the RUF willingly because it provides food and fresh clothes until UNICEF saves you. So everything would be beneficial.

Post #8 Words in Krio

The official language spoken in Sierra Leone is English, but many people speak Krio as well. Some Krio words are used in the story, being italicized and some of their definitions provided on the bottom of each page.

Here are several Krio terms:
Crapes - Sneakers
Nya Nje - My Mother
Nya Keke - My Father
Kamor - Teacher. People refer to Ishmael's Grandfather as Kamor
Ngor - A title to show respect to adults before their first names.
Palampo - Single
Wahlee - Area outside a city, where coffee and other crops are processed.
Waleh - Slate on which a special Arabic prayer is written on with ink made from medicine.
Nessie - Holy water used to wash off the ink from the waleh, and put into a bottle. Waleh and Nessie are used by Ishmael's grandfather to make a medicine.
Soukous - A style of music originating in Congo.
Gari - A type of flour made from mashed cassava root.
Leweh -  A type of rice paste.
Tafe - Marijuana
Brown-Brown - A drug fed to the child soldiers, which is a mix of
Kalo kalo - A tactic used by the army, where one solder "hit and runs" and another kills the people
Poda podas - Vehicles
Leones - The currency of Sierra Leone
Temne, Mende and Sherbro are three ethnic groups found in Sierre Leone. The Krio or Creole people are descendants of slaves from the Americas, their language is widely spoken in Sierre Leone, despite only being 5% of the population.

Upline - Used especially in Freetown to refer to the people of the inner country and their lifestyles.

Epiphany -hjc- #4

Ishmael was a young child who encountered a tragic civil war in Sierra Leone. Due to this civil war, Ishmael became separated from his family and friends and he had to go through a tough journey. His life was threatened countless times during his journey. During his journey he had to deal with intense hunger, pain and loneliness. To travel in such harsh condition must be arduous as he is only a teenager. He saw hundreds of dead bodies of his friends and families. However, Ishmael changed when he learned how to shoot a gun. At first he felt horrified of killing another human being, but eventually he got used to it.

"My squad is my family, my gun is my provider, and protector, and my rule is to kill or be killed."

From this quote, I was able to realize that Ishmael now became a deadly soldier who doesn't have fear to kill others.

However, after Ishmael has been rescued by the U.N and experienced the world out of the war zone of Sierra Leone. Now he is working in U.N as an advocate for other children forced to face the horrors of war.

Post #7: In the News: The Trial of Charles Taylor

On March 11, just two days ago, the trial of former Liberian president Charles Taylor ended, with the judges now making deliberations. This may take up to a few months.

Taylor, who was arrested back in 2006, is on trial for 11 counts related to the Sierra Leone Civil War. These include war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes that violate international law. It is believed that he controlled and armed the RUF, attacking Sierra Leone in exchange for blood diamonds.

I really hope that Taylor will be punished for his brutal and inhuman acts.

Post #6 Behind the Story: The Sierra Leone Civil War

On March 23 of 1991, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) invaded Eastern Sierre Leone. With the support of then-Liberian president Charles Taylor, they attempted to overthrow the government ruled by Joseph Momoh. While Momoh was not considered a dictator, but he allowed the spread of corruption and weakly controlled the economy, causing the currency and economy to collapse. Despite many natural resources, Sierra Leone became one of the poorest countries in the world.

The rebellion by the RUF would lead to an 11 year civil war, finally ending in 2002 with a government victory and the defeat of the RUF with the assistance of UN forces. In total, over 500, 000 civilians were killed. Thousands of child soldiers were recruited by both the rebels and the government, Ishmael being one of them.

I believe that people will always complain about their governments, and this is unavoidable. However, while I believe they can express their dissatisfaction by protesting, but I believe violence should never be used. The rebels started by pretending to listen to people's voices, but in the end used their voices for their own gain. It was simply an attempt As Ishmael mentions in the beginning of the book: "I had heard from adults that this was a revolutionary war, a liberation of the people from corrupt governments. But what kind of liberation movement shoots innocent civilians, children, that little girl?"

In the end, however, I believe both sides share the same blame. Both sides resorted to violence, and the recruitment of child soldiers and fought only for their own gain. All war does is make matters worse.

More information about the history of Sierre Leone can be found in the Chronology at the back of the book.

Post #5: Last Impressions before I review the book

The last few chapters were really moving and depressing. It looked as if life was getting better when it's deja vu all over again. It is heartbreaking to see him find a new family, before he has to leave it again. By the end, all he can do is hope someone will rescue him.

I will do a final review of the entire book very soon.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vocabulary List - hjc-

1. Adage: a traditional saying expressing a common experience or observation

2. Congeal: to make or become fixed, as ideas, sentiments, or principles

3. Dilapidated: reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay

4. Disconsolate: hopelessly unhappy

5. Flotsam: material or refuse floating on water

6. Oblivious: unmindful

7. Vehement: zealous

8. Vicinity: the area or region near or about a place

9. Ablution: a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual

10. Auspices: support

11. Conjure: to affect or influence by or as if by invocation or spell

12. Festoon: a string or chain of flowers suspended in a curve between two points

13. Indelible: making marks that cannot be erased or removed

14. Jubilation: a joyful or festive celebration

15. Latrine: a toilet or something used as a toilet

16. Repatriate: to bring or send back to his or her country or land of citizenship

17. Scuttle: a deep bucket for carrying coal

18. Sporadic: appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time

19. Tributary: a stream that flows to a larger stream or other body of water

20. Turmoil: confusion

Friday, March 4, 2011

Symbolism hjc #3

There are many symbolism used throughout the book. The portion of the book where rebels treated old man in gruesome way by pointing a gun at him, mocking him and shooting a gun near his head was disgusting. Young people being disrespectful towards the elderly symbolizes the chaos occurring in the country. When the R.U.F recruited young soldiers, they were given a number carved in their arm with a bayonet. This marking is symbol for a member of R.U.F. This symbol makes a person enemy for the government. Which means one has to serve in R.U.F until his death. Escaping from R.U.F will ultimately end as death. This symbol carved on by bayonet represents the maliciousness of the rebels.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fourth Post: Symbolism

I think the music cassette is an important symbolic item that Ishmael has. The cassette has been with the protagonist throughout the on going war and even before the war was even present in his life. There are many memories that the cassette holds from his past life before the war, how his brother and him would dance to the rap music.Since there are mostly memories of his brother, I think the cassette resembles Junior. Even though his brother is not psychically with Ishmael in some ways the cassette is protecting him when passing through the villages, like an older brother protecting a younger sibling .The cassette tape also has a long film that is within it which i think resembles Ishmael's long journey.



One symbol in the story is the cassette that Ishmael carries around. The rebels and the army both question him about having this "foreign music".The cassette can symbolize many aspects of the story. Carrying this foreign music also represents Ishmael's connections with our world. It can be used to describe and remind us of Ishmael's childhood and the life he had before. It also symbolizes Ishmael's long journey away from his home town. Through the attack of the rebels, surviving alone in the forests, Ishmael has still kept this cassette to his side.


There is a lot of meaning and depth to the story of the things happening around the different villages Ishmael passes through. But there is one thing that Ishmael keeps with him and has even saved his life a few times. I'm talking about his cassettes filled with foreign rap music. The author tells us that it's not just tapes to listen to, it's also a life-saver, and it reminds the protagonist of the times when there was no war and just performing rap dances with his fellow associates back at his home village. So the cassettes have a great amount of meaning to the protagonist. It has been with him since he has left his friends and family.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I think the epiphany Is being seperated with friends and family members due to the sudden attack. Before being alone, Ishmael had other close people to depend on. However, after the seperation, he became more desperate and violent. This may be also because of the war, but the speration takes a more important role. Due to this epiphany, Ismael had to live with meaningless mind and no future. This is all because of the speration with his close people, who he used to depend on.

Protaginst Ishmael

Ishmael, the protagonist of the story, is a lucky and also unfortunate charater. He survives after the horrific incidents, such as rebel's attack. Also, He sticks with his friends and family
members. In this way, he is a very lucky one. However, Ishmael is in the harsh situation of a war. Also Ishamel and his friends seperated after the attack of rebels. Furthermore, Ishmael could not find foods that he had to steal corns from the fields. Ishmael gets violent and urgent as the time passes. In these ways, Ishamael is a very unfortunate character. This is due to the desperate situations in the war.

My first impression - kevin kim

Before taking a closer look to the book, i thought it was just a story with the same war again. However reading the chapter one kind of made me to feel different due to the diversity of the plot and unique character settings. Also, I was impressed with the young boys being a actual main character. Furthermore, some minor traits, such as young boys listening to America's black music made me laugh. Additionally, I was easly catch the idea of the story, because the it was easly described. I am expecting some harsh trek for the kids, and i am also waiting for the extraordinary journies for the young boys as well. I have no doubt that there will be numerous cruel violences as well. In conclusion, i cant wait to read the next chapter.