Thursday, February 24, 2011

Third Post: Epiphanies

I think one major epiphany that I think that occurred in Ishmael's life was his parent's divorce. Many things changed for him, everyone in the town talked about Junior and Ishmael in a pitiful way and make remarks such as " those poor kids", this frustrated and angered the boys. I think when Junior and Ishmael dance and rap as a gateway to relax and forget about the stress of their parents divorce, because they are always happy and seem to forget everything else except for enjoying the music. The knowledge of their parents divorce will always be there no matter how hard they try to forget. I think that Ishmael was bottling these feelings inside but when all the stress came during the war, the negative thoughts and emotions came out as well. "I pressed my fingers on my eyelid to hold back tears and wished that i could have my family together again"-pg45


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