Friday, February 18, 2011

Journal #2 (ch2-5) -- hjc

Experiencing horrific war scenes during early ages has scared Ishmael for life. While he is dreaming, he dreams of him pushing a wheelbarrow with his own body shot from top to bottom. Since the R.U.F took much longer then they anticipated, sense of peace was visible in many parts of the village. Before the R.U.F arrived in the village of Mattru Jong I thought of them as soldiers fighting for the people. However, when they arrived in Mattru Jong they were ruthless against the villagers. Using timing tactics to trick the villagers, shooting innocent citizens, gathering women and children to use as shiled during battle was inhumane. While reading chapter 4, I was clearly able to see the effect of setting on characters. Due to severe hunger, Ishamel and his friends were starting to lose their moral. They steal and they never stop to help others for it might mean the loss of their own lives. They were even so desperate that when they came across a little boy eating two ears of corn, they would steal it. Reading this effect of setting made me think how I would act like if I was in such horrific situation. I felt great amount of sympathy for these boys who have to constantly fight for their lives when they should be pursuing their passion of singing rap music

1 comment:

  1. well our second post was supposed to be just on Ishmael and his personality traits. I agree, they are starting to lose their morals and are less innocent as children and becoming less sympathetic of others.
