Thursday, February 10, 2011

First post: First Impressions

As I was reading through the few pages of the first chapter, I kind of got lost and confused. I may have miss read some parts of the story that may have mislead me. The part that confused me the most was the setting of the flashback. While the boys where waslking towards another town for the tallent show, it confused me how they went from thierown town, to thier grandmothers town, to seeing thier mother in diffrent places. I also was confused on which places were being attacked by the rebles, and how the protagonist found out about thier own town being attacked. Did they have phones or a way of communication?



  1. Hopefully you understand the book really soon because it's an excellent book. Maybe we can even read together and I could help you get the picture.

  2. The book is a bit confusing in the first chapter but as the story progresses the book becomes much more clear and also becomes much more gruesome. Basically, in the first chapter, Ishamel and his friends who are passionate about rap is going to Mattru Jong where the competition is suppose to happen. At the same time, rebel forces are attacking his village.

  3. I agree with Hyun Jae, the first few chapters are rather strange going all over the place (2nd chapter talks about him starting his new life and having nightmares about being a child soldier), but eventually the story gets clearer.
