Thursday, February 10, 2011

My first impressions

After reading the first chapter, as well as reading the descriptions on the book jacket, I have the impression that there will be a lot of violence in this story and that it will have a effect on Ishmael's life. His use of imagery is incredibly clear and paints a gruesome picture of the scene of war. In the first chapter we already see the horrifying sights of when the rebels attacked the village. To have all the things you enjoy, your childhood and your family taken away from you and to be forced into an army to kill people must be heartbreaking. It is even worse to think this is only the beginning of all the violence to happen. Ishmael is fortunate enough to be rescued and rehabilitated by UNICEF. It must also be really hard for a person to get over because they often will feel guilt for the rest of their lives for their acts in war. Since Beah witnessed the action firsthand, he is able to express his emotions and spread awareness for the plight of child soldiers. There are still over 300 000 children in this world who are still recruited as child soldiers. In a world where people are facing cruel situations every day, we need to value our life and appreciate all the things we have.

-Frank Lin

1 comment:

  1. I agree. The book is very gruesome and it is becoming more gruesome as the book progress. I had no idea that Ishmael was rescued and rehabilitated by UNICEF. Your facts on numbers of child soldiers all over the world made me more interested in reading the book. No children should be experiencing these tragic events.
